I am following the CDC guidelines in every aspect of the reorganization of Elite Event Planning. As such we are reducing all events to 25 people or less and this can and will change according to the Centers for Disease Control and the Alabama Department of Health recommendations. I understand that may mean limiting your guest list majorly. In order to remedy everyone you have ever met in life not being able to attend your wedding day, I have contracted with a local wedding vidoegrapher to impose CGI capabilities to a compementary highlight video to your event that can slso double as a thank you card.
I am following the CDC guidelines in every aspect of the reorganization of Elite Event Planning. As such we are reducing all events to 25 people or less and this can and will change according to the Centers for Disease Control and the Alabama Department of Health recommendations. I understand that may mean limiting your guest list majorly. In order to remedy everyone you have ever met in life not being able to attend your wedding day, I have contracted with a local wedding vidoegrapher to impose CGI capabilities to a compementary highlight video to your event that can slso double as a thank you card.